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Vendor Factory Evaluation Mandatory and Production Sector Details

    Document Control Is there a procedure in place that defines how documentation iscontrolled?


  The factory must have at least one written procedure that describes the process and activities theyperform to assure documentation is controlled. These controls may include, but not limited torevision control, authorizing & approving, control of obsolete documents, retention periods, wheredocuments are located, etc.


  Document Control Is there a "Master List" of controlled documents? 工廠是否有受控文件的總表?

  The document control system is to provide a means of knowing what documents the factory has andtheir latest revision level. The factory must have a master list or some other means of controllingtheir documentation.


  Document Control Are documents in use the current version and are they authorizedand dated?


  During the document review (Examples: QA procedures, Production work instructions, SOP's, etc.)and during the factory floor walk thru, select or identify a sampling of documents and then comparetheir revision level with the master list or whatever means the factory is using to track theirdocuments. The majority of the documents sampled are to have the same revision as indicated bythe document control system and they are to have evidence of authorization such as a signature anda date of issuance.

  核對工廠的文件時(例如:質檢流程,產品生產指導,標準操作程序文件,等等),先隨機選擇若干個要抽查的文件名稱,然后在巡視車間時,根據受控 文件總表或者工廠使用的其它跟蹤文件,來對比抽查的文件是否使用了最新的被授權的版本。工廠的內部文件應顯示這些文件在發(fā)放前是被授權的,如簽名,發(fā)放日 期等授權證據。

  Document Control Is there a procedure in place to ensure obsolete documentation isremoved from use?


  Review and ensure the document control procedure or procedures include a description of theprocess the factory uses to remove obsolete documentation from use. Look for evidence that it is核對工廠的文件控制程序,是否描述了如何將過期文件移除,避免錯誤使用的程序。工廠提供相應的正在使用的文件加以證實。

  Document Control  Is the documentation readily accessible by all relevant staff at alltimes?


  Interview and observe to confirm factory workers have reasonable access to the documents neededto do their jobs.


  Document Control  Is there a written procedure that defines how quality records arestored, protected, and disposed of as well as a defined retentionperiod?


  Review documented procedure on how the factory maintains quality records. The Procedure mustindicate the retention period is at minimum 5 years after production has ended. Record review mustvalidate records have been maintained for a minimum of 5 years after production has ended; ormaintained since the creation of the Document Retention Procedure.


  Quality Management  Does the QA (Quality Assurance) or QC (Quality Control)department operate separately from the Production department?


  Review an Organizational Chart to see where the QA or QC Department reports. If they report toGeneral Manager, President, etc. score a YES. If they report to anybody in the ProductionDepartment, score is a NO. If organizational chart is not available, interview factory QA/QCleadership.



  Quality Management   Does the quality department have coverage during all shifts?


  Review random documentation of shift schedules. If shift schedule is not available, interviewfactory QA/QC leadership. For every production shift, there must be QC coverage.


  Quality Management  Are measureable quality goals identified and actual performanceresults collected?


  Review random documentation of quality goals performance results. Documentation must includegoals and pass rate per product category. Must be available and complete.


  Quality Management  Are documented, ongoing Quality Control (QC) meetings held at thefactory in which Production is represented?


  The factory must have, at a minimum, weekly QC meetings to discuss production issues, defectissues, etc. Documentation must include production issues and corrective action taken. Aproduction manager or supervisor is to attend the QC Meetings. Must see evidence of the above inthe documented meeting notes.


  Quality Management  Do the ongoing QC meetings demonstrate measureable, continuousimprovement?


  Validate by reviewing records, data collection, and interviewing leadership. Verify there ismeasureable continuous improvement.


  Quality Management   Are daily or weekly quality goals and actual performance resultsposted on the factory floor?


  While walking the production floor, look for posted quality goals and performance results.


  Supplier Management  Is there an inventory control system with incoming/outgoingmaterials monitored and documented (location, quantity, etc)?

  工廠是否有庫存管理系統(tǒng)來控制和記錄進出物料(存放地點,數量,)Review documentation to verify that all incoming / outgoing materials are monitored by aninventory control system. Verify location, material type and quantity matches inventory records.


  Supplier Management  Does the factory have a documented supplier approval procedure,including a list of approved suppliers for products, materials andservices impacting product safety, legality, or quality?


  Review documentation to ensure the site has:

  - A documented supplier approval procedure- A list of approved suppliers for products, materials and services impacting product safety, legalityor qualityNot Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.





  Supplier Management   Does the supplier approval procedure include clear criteria forongoing assessment and the standards of performance required?


  Procedures shall be established which include clear criteria for ongoing assessment and thestandards of performance required. Ongoing assessment may take the form of monitoringperformance through one or more of the following: in house checks; certificates of analysis;certificate of conformity; supplier audits; traceability checks, etc.

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.



  Supplier Management   Are supplier approval records kept? 工廠是否保存供應商審核記錄?

  Supplier approval records must be retained for a minimum of 5 years after production has ended.

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.



  Supplier Management    Does the factory review the performance of suppliers against adefined criteria?


  The factory is to have defined criteria for reviewing suppliers. There are to be records of thesuppliers being reviewed against this criteria.

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.





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